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Knowledge Hub > Data On this page, you will find links to data sources on migration and settlement.

ABS Data

ABS: Australian Census and Migrants Integrated Dataset (ACMID)

The Australian Census and Migrants Integrated Dataset (ACMID) contains Australian Census of Population and Housing data linked to Permanent Migrant Settlement Data from the Department of Home Affairs. The Census is conducted every five years to measure the number of people and dwellings in Australia on Census Night. The Census also provides information on the key characteristics of people and dwellings for small geographic areas and small population groups.

ACMID: 2011

ACMID: 2016

ABS: Statistics by Topic: Migrants

A list of ABS statistics by topic, focusing on migrants.

ABS: Characteristics of Recent Migrants, Australia, November 2016

The Characteristics of Recent Migrants Survey provides detailed data about migrants who have come to Australia over the past 10 years and how they have fared after their arrival. The topics include how migrants settle into employment and whether their likelihood of finding work relates to their visa type, education, language skills or other characteristics.

ABS: Migration, Australia, 2017-18

Released annually, Migration, Australia contains annual statistical summaries of Australia’s population by country of birth, international migration into and out of Australia and internal migration within Australia (interstate and intrastate) as at June 30 each year. Statistics for the year to 30 June 2018 are preliminary and for the year to 2017 have had standard revisions


Department of Home Affairs: Settlement Reports

The data contained in these Excel datasets is drawn from the Settlement Database (SDB). This database contains records of people who have been granted a permanent or provisional visa going back to January 1991. Currently there are approximately 4.3 million records in the database. The SDB contains data sourced mainly from the Department of Home Affairs, with data updates from the Departments of Human Services. The reports are updated quarterly by the Department of Home Affairs.

Department of Home Affairs: The Settlement Database

The Settlement Database provides statistical data on permanent arrivals to Australia. It brings together data from various sources to assist government and community agencies involved in the planning and provision of services to migrants. It may also be of use to researchers or members of the public. Settlement reports are drawn from the settlement database, dating back to January 1991.

Department of Social Services: Building a New Life in Australia: The Longitudinal Study

Building a New Life in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants (BNLA) is a longitudinal study of the settlement experience of humanitarian arrivals in Australia, over five years, from 2013 until 2018. The project aims to increase understanding of the well-being and experiences of humanitarian migrants settling in Australia. It focuses on their participation in society, their general health and happiness and investigating factors that may facilitate positive outcomes. To help inform policy, it collects information about use and availability of support.

Department of Social Services: Building a New Life in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants | The First Three Reports

Building a New Life in Australia (BNLA): the Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants is a long term project researching how humanitarian migrants settle into life in Australia. It is the first long-term study of humanitarian migrants to Australia and to date has released data from the first three waves. This report provides a quick and easy reference for policy makers and service providers needing evidence to inform their work. It provides a detailed description of migration experiences, settlement experiences and socio-economic characteristics of a large group of humanitarian migrants. It also examines the association between variations in these characteristics and experiences with the settlement outcomes of respondents.

Greater Dandenong Council (Victoria): Statistics on asylum seekers and refugees by Victorian LGA

Access to a range of statistical information about social, health and economic outcomes for all Victorian localities. This data is a collaboration between the City of Greater Dandenong and the Victorian Local Government Association (VLGA).


Refugee Council of Australia: Statistics

Facts and figures on refugees in Australia and the world.  Statistics on offshore processing and people in detention in Australia, global resettlement, and more.

University of Melbourne: Humanitarian Arrivals in Melbourne

This is a spatial analysis of population distribution and health service needs for humanitarian arrivals in Melbourne, from July 2016. Research from the Department of Health and Human Services, University of Melbourne and representatives of government, health and settlement services to build evidence about recent humanitarian arrivals across northern and western metropolitan Melbourne.

International Sources

UNHCR: Figures at a glance

Figures released every year, from the UNHCR Global Trends and Global Appeal reports. Full-time statisticians in UNHCR’s Field Information and Coordination Section track the number of people forced to flee so that when a major displacement crisis erupts, we are able to predict how many people need helphow much help they need and how many staff we must deploy

UNHCR: Global Trends Report

The Global Trends Report is published every year to analyse the changes in UNHCR’s populations of concern and deepen public understanding of ongoing crises. UNHCR counts and tracks the numbers of refugees, internally displaced people, people who have returned to their countries or areas of origin, asylum-seekers, stateless people and other populations of concern to UNHCR. These data are kept up to date and analyzed in terms of various criteria, such as where people are, their age and whether they are male or female. This process is extremely important in order to meet the needs of refugees and other populations of concern across the world and the data help organizations and States to plan their humanitarian response.

International Organisation for Migration (IOM): Migration Data Portal

The Portal aims to serve as a unique access point to timely, comprehensive migration statistics and reliable information about migration data  globally.

Employment and Participation

Treasury Research Institute: Shaping a Nation

Report on population growth and immigration over time in Australia. Joint research, undertaken  over the course of 2017, aims to inform discussion and debate.


Department of Immigration and Citizenship: A Significant Contribution

2011 report by Professor Graeme Hugo from the University of Adelaide, on behalf of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.  It examines the variety of ways in which humanitarian entrants contribute to Australia after their arrival, using data from the ABC Census and DIACs Settlement Database.

CPD Report: SEVEN Steps to Success

This report, Seven Steps to SUCCESS: Enabling Refugee Entrepreneurs to Flourish, written by Philippe Legrain, founder of OPEN, and Andrew Burridge, CPD Research Coordinator. It draws on Australian and international best practice to outline policy recommendations to government, business and civil society on how to better support refugee entrepreneurs.

CPD Report: Settling Better

This report, Settling Better: Reforming refugee employment and settlement services, by CPD Research Associate Henry Sherrell and prepared with the support of the Boston Consulting Group calls for a new approach to refugee employment and settlement services. This is the first time the Building a New Life in Australia longitudinal research survey data has been analysed publicly.

CPD Report: Grand Alibis

Grand Alibis: How declining public sector capability effects services for the disadvantaged, by Kelly Farrow, Sam Hurley and Robert Sturrock, is built around one key question: has contracting out services improved the public sector’s capability to address persistent disadvantage and meet complex needs? It argues that outsourcing has eroded the experience, skills and policy toolkits that the public sector needs to develop the best policy responses – whether these are deployed publicly, privately or as part of mixed models.

Sydney University: Engaging Businesses in Refugee Employment

This report, by Dr Betina Szkudlarek, from the University of Sydney Business School, in collaboration with the Centre for Policy Development and Boston Consulting Group. This study looks at the perceptions of employers that have and have not hired refugees.  The aim is to gain insight into employers’ perceptions, misconceptions and experiences of the integration of refugees into the workforce, based on the results of an online survey and in-depth interviews.