Recent Submissions

Across the early months of 2021, CPD has made a number of important submissions to various government inquiries. Read on for more details below.

In late February, CPD made a submission to the National Disability Insurance Agency in regards to the Access and Eligibility Policy with Independent Assessments. Our CEO Travers McLeod and Chair Terry Moran outlined two key concerns with the reforms proposed. The first related to the specific independent assessment process set out by the consultation paper. The second concern spoke to the broader trajectory of the NDIS given the history of outsourcing vital areas of service delivery across the Commonwealth. You can read the full submission below.


In early March, CPD also made a submission to the parliamentary Inquiry into the current capability of the Australian Public Service (APS). Our submission stated that “the starting point for renewing Australian democracy after COVID-19 is to reinvest in the creativity of our public services and ensure they are enriched by direct experience of the services Australians expect government to provide”. You can read the full submission below.