Climate & Recovery Initiative Stakeholder Roundtable Nine

Climate & Recovery Initiative Stakeholder Roundtable Nine

A screenshot of a large Zoom meeting

The ninth Climate and Recovery Initiative roundtable convened virtually on Monday 8 August 2022.

The key question for this roundtable was: “How do we keep momentum for decarbonisation in this new macroeconomic environment?” Themes brought out by a CPD discussion paper on the interactions between inflation, energy, economic policy and climate change were discussed by participants. 

The roundtable heard directly from former UK Minister for Climate Change & Industry and Senior Advisor to Pollination, Nick Hurd, who shared his perspectives of  how the United Kingdom and Europe is dealing with current energy price shocks and inflation concerns, and the implications for the clean energy transition.

Anthea Harris, Chief Executive Officer of the Energy Security Board, then presented to the group on the issues inherent in reforming Australia’s National Electricity Market as the system shifts to greater concentrations of  renewables.

Participants shared views on how climate and energy policy could  be a positive macroeconomic force leading to stronger growth and productivity. The group then broke into sub-groups to discuss different aspects of the potential policy response to current macroeconomic conditions and energy price shocks including demand-side response and economic policy settings. 

In line with the custom of the Climate and Recovery Initiative, this discussion was held under the Chatham House Rule.

About the Climate and Recovery Initiative

The Climate and Recovery Initiative (CRI) is a collaborative initiative coordinated by the Centre for Policy Development (CPD) and Climateworks Centre, with a steering group that includes Pollination Group, Australian Industry Group (AiGroup) and the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU).

Working together, we are seeking to identify the best ideas and opportunities for aligning Australia’s economic recovery with climate and transition priorities, and to get them into the right hands. Our stakeholder roundtable series brings together trusted leaders, experts and advisers from business, regulation, policy and the community to consider the challenges and opportunities ahead.
