Public service in the news | 19/7/11

Green public sector on the rise > A green brigade of bureaucrats assigned to environmental programs around the country has grown by 20 per cent since Labor won power four years ago. And the commonwealth public service has breached some of its own energy-saving targets, with the Canberra headquarters consuming 25 per cent more electricity than a decade ago…

Abbott’s direct action plan on carbon is friendless > The public servants would need to have excellent up to date knowledge on all cutting edge technologies designed to reduce emissions as well as excellent knowledge on almost all production techniques currently carried out in Australia in order to accurately assess the applications… How the Coalition would juggle the number of public servants needed with its commitment to reduce the public service is puzzling…

Meanwhile in the United Kingdom, mixed responses to ‘Big Society’…

Perfect storm in public services can be weathered > David Cameron’s plans to open up the public sector gives us a chance to show good quality services and value for money.More people than ever need help and support, and deciding how best to provide it against the backdrop of cuts and political maneuvering is a huge challenge…

Open public services: Privatisation or innovation? > What will opening Britain’s public services to competition mean? From my point of view, this looks like a pretty frightening prospect. The idea of opening up all of our services to competition is ultimately a route to massive privatisation…