The World Today | Report Reassesses Worth of Our Oceans

CPD’s Sustainable Economy Research Director Laura Eadie was interviewed by The World Today’s Sarah Clarke following the release of Stocking Up: Securing our Marine Economy.

The economically invisible value of our marine ecosystem services is $25 billion a year. From carbon storage ($15.8 billion p/y), nursery services and disease prevention ($6.8 billion p/y) to recreation and food ($1.85 billion p/y).

With Austalia’s marine infrastructure playing a critical role in our economic and social prosperity, Laura outlined five key recommendations for the Federal Government.

“So first of all, protect the assets that underpin our marine estate by establishing marine protected areas. Rebuild fish stocks, currently 42 per cent of Australia’s Commonwealth stocks are overfished or unknown so they need to be rebuilt”.

“Ensure all commercial fisheries are sustainably managed, establish accurate data on recreational catch and what fish levels, what fish stocks would be in undisturbed ecosystems and then finally support local communities through marketing and business innovation”.

“We think there is great potential for regional fishing and for regional marine tourism to be marketed as a sustainable product”, Laura said.

To hear the full interview, click here.
