Dr Gunter Pauli | Progress on The Blue Economy, New Economics and Learning for Sustainability

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  • Dr Gunter Pauli | Progress on The Blue Economy, New Economics and Learning for Sustainability

CPD and Sydney Ideas co-present Dr Gunter Pauli at the law school foyer Sydney Uni.  April 3rd, 6pm to 7.30pm – this is a free event and open to all, entry will be on a first come first served basis.

Gunter Pauli founded the “Zero Emissions Research and Initiative” (ZERI) at the United Nations University in Tokyo. He subsequently established The Global ZERI Network, redesigning production and consumption into clusters of industries inspired by natural systems, based on open source research and experimentation with a worldwide team of eminent scientists and design thinkers.

The culmination is “The Blue Economy”, published as a Report to The Club of Rome in 2010, now published in 35 languages. It is a new way of designing business: using the resources available in cascading systems, where the waste of one product becomes the input to create a new cash flow – jobs are created, social capital is built and income rises – while the environment that provides the basis for our lives is no longer strained and polluted. Thus, we can evolve from an economy where the good is expensive, and the bad is cheap, to a system where the good and innovative is affordable.

Gunter will outline progress with these initiatives around the world since his last visit in 2011, which featured his talk on The Blue Economy: 10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100 Million Jobs, and explore their relevance for Australia.


Gunter Pauli was born in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1956. He graduated in Economics from the University of Antwerp and obtained an MBA from INSEAD. His entrepreneurial activities span business, culture, science, politics and the environment.

He has founded and managed many companies that focus on delivering environmentally friendly services and products, including PPA Holding, the European Service Industries Forum (ESIF) and Ecover. He has been visiting lecturer and professor at universities around the world, and a board member of NGOs and private companies in Asia, USA and Latin America.

Since 2009 he has taken responsibility for the design of an economic development concept based on GNH (Gross National Happiness) principles and values as part of his advisory role in designing an economic development strategy for Bhutan.

He is a Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences (San Francisco, USA), a Member of the Club of Budapest (Hungary) and of the Club of Rome. Gunter has published 19 books and 36 fables bringing science and emotions to children. Fluent in seven languages and having resided on 4 continents, he is a world citizen.

 “Let us not demand more of the Earth. Let us do more with what the earth provides”