Judi Moylan MP | SBS World News Australia, 17 July 2012

Moylan challenges coalition asylum policy

Centre for Policy Development – “a very credible organisation” – cited as a good source for informed debate

Western Australian Liberal MP Judi Moylan spoke out on SBS, 17 July, about the need for Australia to lift its intake of refugees, and to re-engage with the UNHCR.

Unlike other leading members of her party, who insist that Temporary Protection Visas and the “suite of measures” lately put forward by the Opposition fully address the situation, Mrs Moylan looks to “scholarly” sources such as the 2011 CPD report, A New Approach by Menadue, Gauthier and Keski-Nummi, for reliable data on the true drivers of people flows around the world.

People talk about queue jumping – but there isn’t a queue!

Listen to the interview with Mrs Moylan here

Access CPD report:  A New Approach – Breaking the stalemate on refugees and asylum seekers