TAFE campaign and CPD report | Mainstream news outlets, Nov 2012

Mainstream news outlets including Prime7 News, NineMSN and The Australian reported on the Save Our TAFE campaign launched by the NSW Public Sector Association, and the CPD paper released at the launch event for the campaign at NSW Parliament House. The study carried out by CPD fellow Christopher Stone, which seeks to inform public debate concerning the NSW government’s proposed TAFE cuts, found that TAFE provides disproportionate services to disadvantaged groups and areas in comparison to private providers.

Chris Stone, presenting his Valuing Skills paper at NSW Plt House, 21 Nov

Chris Stone, presenting his Valuing Skills paper at NSW Plt House, 21 Nov

The report further notes that men who achieve an advanced diploma, diploma or certificate III or IV earn an average of 13.8 per cent more than those with Year 11 education, while women with those qualifications earn 11.4 per cent more. At the launch event, Chris acknowledged that at this time of “fiscal conservatism” budget savings will be an inevitable priority, but that cuts to such a vital service should be subject to robust evidence.

Launching the report at NSW Parliament House on Wednesday, its author Christopher Stone said any decrease in government funding should be delivered with a clear explanation of how it would deliver increased efficiencies to the sector.

Steve Turner, assistant general secretary of the NSW PSA, said the report demonstrated that TAFE delivered social and economic benefits to the state, in addition to the educational positives. It demonstrates the dangers of massive cuts to the TAFE budget in limiting students ability to learn necessary skills.

Click here to access Prime7 News video report

Click here to read AAP article in The Australian

Click here to access ‘TAFE cuts will mean lost earnings’ piece on News.com.au

Click here to access ‘TAFE students, staff to fight funding cuts’, on NineMSN

Click here to access ‘TAFE cuts may mean ‘lost earnings” article on Sky News

Click here to access ‘The fight to save TAFE’ article in The Liverpool Leader