Refugeefacts—media handbook | The truth about refugees & asylum seekers

New CPD online media resource addresses misinformation.

barbed wire © Arrows Fotolia.comExperts in this complex field of refugee and immigration policy, CPD fellows John Menadue, Arja Keski-Nummi and Kate Gauthier collaborated on a unique online media resource, which seeks to clarify some of the controversy and misunderstandings which seem to persist.

Facts may be in short supply. It appears the Australian community is seriously misinformed about asylum seekers. In its polling in March 2012 Essential Research found that 23% of Australians believe that asylum seekers coming by boat represented 25% or more of the Australian annual immigration intake. In fact, it is 1% to 2%…

Facts cited in the website draw on data published by authoritative  sources such as the  Lowy Institute for International Policy, United Nations High Commission for Refugees and the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Please note that Refugee Facts is currently unavailable pending updates
