Post Carbon Pathways 2013 report| DISCUSSION PAPER | April 2013

wind turbines photo © JohanSwanepoelPost Carbon Pathways: Creating a just and resilient post carbon future

This report by John Wiseman,Taegen Edwards, and Kate Luckins draws on in-depth interviews with leading international researchers, policy makers and activists on actions needed to drive the rapid implementation of large scale post carbon economy transition strategies.

As the probability and risks of runaway climate change continue to grow, so too does the urgency of a swift transition to a just and resilient post-carbon future.1 The Post Carbon Pathways project aims to help meet this challenge by strengthening understanding of i) key elements of the most promising and innovative large-scale de-carbonisation strategies; and ii) the most effective ways of overcoming barriers to the rapid implementation of these strategies.

The report was launched with a panel discussion at Melbourne University on 15 April 2013

Download Post Carbon Pathways Report 2013  | Access the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute website | Download Post Carbon Pathways 2013 interview transcripts
