ABC News | 5 August 2013

Regional areas struggle the most from budget cuts.Christopher Stone headshot 2012

Christopher Stone, CPD research director, and Kathy MacDermott, industrial relations policy expert,  released Death by a thousand cuts: How governments undermine their own productivity which outlines how public services in regional areas are the hardest hit from budget cuts. With increasing expectations public sector workers are experiencing increasing workloads without additional staff.

“It cites the Department of Child Protection, where there has been a three-fold increase in the number of cases to be investigated across its 8 metropolitan and 32 country district offices. CPSU president Toni Walkington says the regions struggle to absorb cutbacks. “We are seeing many children being left without case workers whether that be in juvenile justice or child protection,” she said.”

Read the article on the ABC News website

Read more about ‘productivity’ in CPD’s report Death by a thousand cuts


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