SACOSS 2014 Conference | 11 February 2014

SACOSS logo‘Taxing times – sustaining vital services’

The SACOSS 2014 Conference will be themed around Sustaining Vital Services, and will raise a range of issues which are of importance to the social service sector and to vulnerable and disadvantaged people in South Australia. Issues include the need for a sustainable tax base to fund vital services and income supports, key social justice issues such as housing, health, justice and social participation, as well as sector-specific concerns about contracting and red tape burdens on charities providing services.

Coming just a month before the SA state election, the conference provides a platform to raise these subjects at a vital time in SA’s political processes. SACOSS hopes the discussion will not only inform and inspire conference participants, but will impact on wider political debates.



Tuesday 11 February 2014, 8:30am – 5:30pm (CST)


National Wine Centre of Australia, Hackney Road, Adelaide, SA 5000

Morning tea and refreshments provided courtesy of Baptist Care SA

Key speakers:

Christopher Stone, Research director, CPD Public service program – presenting a session titled, ‘Long term costs of cost cutting’

Ian McAuley, CPD fellow – presenting a session titled, ‘Can we really ask for higher taxes?’

A full list, including of speakers, including Richard Denniss (TAI) and Cassandra Goldie (ACOSS), can be found at

More information:





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