Message from John Menadue AO – CPD’s End of Financial Year Appeal

eNews-fundraiser-sidebar-2Dear Friends,


Australia needs more independent, long-term thinking that puts the national interest ahead of the ballot box.

That is what the Centre for Policy Development has been delivering since I founded it in 2007. CPD creates viable ideas on the back of careful research and works with experts and stakeholders to turn these ideas into practical policy proposals.

I am seeking your renewed support so that CPD can continue to make a difference and grow the policies Australia needs.

This is what CPD has been up to recently:

  1. CPD’s speaking tour for Pascal Lamy was covered nationally and included meetings with government, business, academic and community leaders in MelbourneSydney and Canberra.
  2. We were the Australian partner for the launch of Now for the Long Term, the report of the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations.
  3. CPD is working with Australia21 and UNSW to hold a high-level roundtable on asylum seeker policy in Canberra this July, with CPD fellows taking the lead in writing the discussion paper.
  4. CPD’s Sustainable Economy program was ranked among the world’s top multidisciplinary think tank research programs; its work on resilient growth has been covered at home and abroad.
  5. Our False economies series has shown Australia’s public service to be the second most efficient in the OECD, delivering rigour to debates about effective government and service delivery.

But there is so much more to do.

Whether it be on Australia’s new growth industries, tax reform, infrastructure, federal-state relations, youth unemployment or Australia’s place in the world, CPD needs your help to tackle these issues and grow in size, output and impact.

On each issue CPD’s approach will be unwavering: independent,non-partisan, and evidence-based. Reaching across party lines, industries, departments and borders. Policies that can outlast governments and safeguard current and future generations.

Help CPD to lift Australia’s sights by making a tax-free donation or becoming a regular Ideas Sustainer now.

Thanks for your support,

John Menadue AO, CPD Founder and Fellow

[John Menadue served as Australia’s Ambassador to Japan, was Secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet under Prime Ministers Whitlam and Fraser, and is a former Qantas CEO.]


PS: CPD warmly congratulates its patrons for their recent honours. Julian Burnside AO QC has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 Sydney Peace Prize, just months after the Hon Fred Chaney AO was named Senior Australian of the Year.