Support CPD’s “$20 in 2016” appeal!







Click here to help us remain a laboratory for long-term policy development 

Our end of financial year appeal comes at a very uncertain time in Australian politics. Slogans and soundbites remain the campaign tools of choice in this Federal Election. We are experiencing an absence of genuine leadership and purposeful governance to get the nation going again. A huge appetite on all sides to win is trumping what Australians strongly wish to see: a well-reasoned, clearly-articulated policy agenda embracing the long term now. As a result, the role of CPD in developing evidence-based, long-term policy proposals is increasingly vital to our national conversation.

CPD is a policy institute with purpose and impact. We do not simply commentate on national affairs. Instead we actively develop and influence policy proposals for the Government’s consideration.

It has been an exciting year since our last appeal. We have revamped our governance processes, revitalised our fellowship network, introduced a fundraising committee, entered into partnership with several new organisational donors, moved to more suitable offices in Sydney and brought on former Secretary of Prime Minister and Cabinet Terry Moran AC as our chairperson.

We’ve also produced influential research and strong outcomes across all of our policy programs. Here are some of the policy highlights from 2015-16, and an indication of the work that is on its way over the next 12 months.

CPD 15-16We are stronger than ever, with a growing influence, committed team, and clear purpose to drive our work. None of this is possible without the continued support of our individual ideas sustainers, donors and subscribers. With your help, we can continue to deliver exciting work across each of our research programs, strengthen our voice in policy debates and inform and influence experts and decision-makers inside and outside government.

This year, we are asking you to consider a donation of “$20 for 2016” to support us.


In this election year help put long-term thinking back into Australian politics – support CPD. Remember any donations made to CPD over $2 are tax deductible.

