CPD, as part of the Secretariat of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM), is pleased to co-convene a Regional Peer-Learning Platform and Program of Learning and Action on Alternative Care Arrangements for Children in the Context of International Migration in the Asia Pacific with colleagues at the International Detention Coalition (IDC).
The Peer-Learning Platform was first proposed at the seventh meeting of the ADFM in Bangkok in November 2018, where participants identified a regional grouping on this issue as being beneficial to advancing practical progress towards alternatives to detention in the region.
Since then a number of events have been convened on the topic. Participants are drawn from policy and implementing agencies within the governments of Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Thailand, as well as civil society and international organisations.
1: Regional Roundtable on Alternatives to Child Detention
Bangkok |21-22 Nov 2019
The first meeting took place in person in Bangkok, Thailand on 21-22 November, and comprised a full day roundtable, preceded by a day of site visits, coordinated by the Thai Department of Children and Youth, Host International and UNICEF Thailand.
There was agreement at this event about the ongoing utility of this platform, and participants made a range of suggestions for ways to continue the work, including further roundtables, bilateral study visits, information exchanges and capacity building.
More information about the roundtable can be found here.
2: Roundtable on Mainstreaming Child Protection in the Context of International Migration
Virtual | 14 December 2020
The next meeting took place virtually due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. With travel restrictions in place, participants from the 2019 roundtable expressed an interest in re-convening online to continue the peer-learning platform.
Thus the ADFM Secretariat and IDC convened a virtual roundtable in December 2020, which focused on Australia’s experience mainstreaming child protection and child safeguarding and how that applies to children in the context of international migration.
More information about the roundtable can be found here.
3: Workshop on Case Management
Virtual | 31 May 2021
The third event in the Platform was a virtual workshop held on 31 May 2021. The session focused on case management approaches using examples from two civil society groups in Malaysia to begin the discussion. Participants discussed the benefits of using case management approaches in the context of alternatives to detention, and shared some challenges they have faced in their implementation.
More information about the roundtable can be found here.
4: Workshop on Access to Education
Virtual | September 9 2021
The fourth event in the Platform was a virtual workshop held on 9 September 2021. The session focused on the benefits to both society and the individual of allowing access to education for refugee and migrant children as part of community based alternatives to child detention. Participants discussed the benefits of access to education, including lifting socially excluded children out of poverty and into society, narrowing the gender gap for girls and women.
More information about the roundtable can be found here.
5: Workshop on Effective Partnerships
Virtual | April 5 2022
In April 2022 we convened the fifth event in the Platform: a virtual workshop on what makes government and civil society partnerships effective. The workshop featured examples from Malaysia and Indonesia of effective partnerships related to refugee and ATD policy and practice. Participants discussed common elements of effective partnerships, and how challenges have been overcome in the past.
More information about the roundtable can be found here.
The ADFM Secretariat is grateful to the International Detention Coalition (IDC) for co-convening this Platform with us, to all participants for their active engagement in the process and to the Australian Department of Home Affairs and New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade for their support.
For more information about the Peer Learning platform please contact the ADFM Secretariat on adfm@cpd.org.au.
6. In Person Roundtable in Putrajaya, Malaysia
1-2 November 2022
The sixth time the Platform met was again face-to-face, in Putrajay, Malaysia, on 1-2 November 2022. Over two days, participants exchanged updates on ATD developments and discussed the future of the Platform, and how they can continue learning from one another. Specific topics discussed included meaningful engagement of lived experience in the policy design and implementation process and designing effective monitoring and evaluation frameworks. We hope to make face to face meetings a regular occurrence again, supplemented by more interim virtual engagement.
More information about the roundtable can be found here.
The ADFM Secretariat is grateful to the International Detention Coalition (IDC) for co-convening this Platform with us, to all participants for their active engagement in the process and to the Australian Department of Home Affairs and New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade for their support.
For more information about the Peer Learning platform please contact the ADFM Secretariat on adfm@cpd.org.au.