What is the World Worth? Putting Nature on the Balance Sheet | Pavan Sukhdev August 3, 4 & 5

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  • What is the World Worth? Putting Nature on the Balance Sheet | Pavan Sukhdev August 3, 4 & 5

Sydney | Canberra | Melbourne

3 to 5 August 2010

Sydney and Melbourne are booked out – Canberra still has seats available: RSVP now!

Sydney – Tuesday 3 August 6:30pm The Sydney Opera House, Playhouse Theatre SOLD OUT!

Canberra – Wednesday 4 August 5pm. Australian National University – Molongolo Theatre, J G Crawford Building 132 Lennox Crossing 0200. This event is FREE.RSVP to henry.keenan@anu.edu.au

Melbourne – Thursday 5 August 5:30pm. Melbourne University – Law Building (GM15 Theatre), 185 Pelham St Carlton. This event is free. BOOKED OUT!

Pavan Sukhdev,an economist and head of the UN Green Economy Initiative, is an expert on the natural capital that gets left off today’s corporate balance sheets. Pavan’s pioneering work looks at how putting a value on nature could set the scene for a greener economy and investment, exploring how our economy can be part of the solution to the looming climate and resource crises we face.

A senior business leader himself, working at UNEP on secondment from Deutsche Bank, Pavan recognises that the way we do business needs to change. By putting a price on natureandmeasuring the economic value of the world’s ecosystems (and the costs of losing them), Pavan aims to show that the greening of economies is not a burden on growth but rather a new engine for growth, employment, and the reduction of persistent poverty.

He is Study Leader for The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) study, hosted by UNEP with financial support from the European Commission, which is making a compelling economic case for the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. Pavan is also team leader for the Green Economy Report, a ground-breaking study being conducted as part of the Green Economy Initiative (GEI), which is using economic analyses and modeling to demonstrate investment in greening the economy can lead to future prosperity and job creation, while at the same time addressing social and environmental challenges.

Pavan is a renowned economist who founded and went on to chair Deutsche Bank’s global markets centre in Mumbai, where he became instrumental in the evolution of India’s currency, interest rate and derivatives markets from 1993-1998. He has also held positions as Head of Global Markets Finance for Asia-Pacific, and later Chief Operating Officer of Deutsche Bank’s Global Emerging Markets Division. Pavan is currently on a two year sabbatical from Deutsche Bank, after being appointed by the EU Commission and Germany to lead the G8+5 report on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. He is fast becoming known as the Nicholas Stern of Biodiversity.

‘Managing people’s desire for things like food, energy, water and medicinal drugs in a way that reduces the impact on the planet’s diversity is no mean task,’ says Pavan. ‘Indeed this is the greatest challenge that faces society today.’

Pavan Sukhdev offers unique global insights for local policy development as we head to an election. Tickets are selling fast. To secure your spot, book online through the Sydney Opera House today.

This event is being held by The Centre for Policy Development with sponsorship from Qantas who are generously providing airfares for Pavan Sukhdev and The Sydney Opera House.
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UTS Business
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To hear Pavan Sukhdev talking to Climate Thinkers click here. For more of CPD’s green economic ideas click here.
