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Ben Spies-Butcher

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  • Ben Spies-Butcher

Back to Flat Tax? The Coalition and the Henry Review

With the Coalition making noises about tax reform, Ben Spies-Butcher looks at the implications of the Henry Review proposals on a flat income tax

Money For Parents — Or Education?

Are education rebates the best way to cut the cost of living for families and make inroads into the education budget? Ben Spies-Butcher weighs it up

Superannuation Changes Fail Fairness Test

The government’s announced reforms to the tax concession further undermines the potential of superannuation to significantly contribute to either the assets available to workers when they retire or the fiscal sustainability of the Budget...

Flat tax champions dodge the hard issues

Ben Spies-Butcher questions claims that the Liberals’ flat tax proposals are either simpler or fairer.

Superannuation savings a small drop in the ocean: Ben Spies-Butcher

Labor’s proposed changes to superannuation are a small step in the right direction, explains CPD fellow Ben Spies-Butcher.

Using the resources boom to fund the future

Ben Spies-Butcher and Tom Keily look overseas for some direction about alternative ways to use this one-off revenue to achieve real ‘reform’ and properly ‘future proof’ Australia. The ‘Alaska Permanent Fund’ and the Norwegian...