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We must not give up on Syrian peace talks

This piece was originally published by the ABC on 7 February 2016. It’s easy to be sceptical of political negotiations about Syria, especially when talks have already been suspended. But with patience and a herculean...

Sydney Morning Herald on false economies and the efficiency dividend | 2 January 2015

Gareth Hutchens discusses the efficiency of public service job cuts in Why this obsession with cutting public service jobs?, citing CPD’s False Economies report with approval: [It] will be a useful paper to revisit...

Beyond the boats: building an asylum and refugee policy for the long term | Report launch and media

Asylum and refugee policy report launched by The Hon Fred Chaney AO, Senior Australian of the Year 2014 and CPD Patron The Beyond the boats report stemmed from a high-level roundtable on asylum and refugee policy held at Parliament...

the sydney morning herald (smh) masthead

The Sydney Morning Herald | 5 November 2014

Australia needs long term policy to handle immigration, says major new report Sarah Whyte talks to Paris Aristotle about Beyond the boats  The Abbott government may have claimed victory in stopping the boats, but...

'Beyond the boats' covers

Beyond the boats: building an asylum and refugee policy for the long term | LANDMARK REPORT | November 2014

Report from a high level roundtable on asylum and refugee policy convened by CPD, Australia21 and the Andrew and Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law (UNSW) Now that the acute phase of boat arrivals appears over,...

The Conversation logo

The Conversation | 30 October 2014

Like eating fish? It’s time to start caring where it comes from. Carissa Klein, Postdoctoral research fellow in conservation biology at The University of Queensland, investigates sustainability in seafood, citing CPD’s recent study, Net...

The Guardian | 2 September 2014

The Pacific Solution is reaching its endgame. Scott Morrison will soon run out of options. If you missed it last week, Richard Ackland, in The Guardian, was seeking new approaches on asylum seeker policy....

Martin Stewart-Weeks

CPD welcomes new Board Director Martin Stewart-Weeks

Public/private sector expert Martin Stewart-Weeks joins CPD Board. A strategic thinker, organisational consultant, facilitator and writer whose work explores the intersection of policy, government, technology and innovation. From 2001-13, Martin led the Asia-Pacific public...

Australian Options No.77 (Spies-Butcher & McKnight)

Australian Options | No. 77, winter 2014

Australian Options Magazine: articles exploring social and environmental ethics in contemporary politics by CPD fellows Ben Spies-Butcher: ‘Debt and discipline from cradle to grave’ It is hard (sic) to underestimate the scale of the...

NGAA Congress 2014 logo

National Growth Areas Alliance Congress | 15-17 October, Playford, SA

Growth that works: : creating next generation industry and jobs in outer urban Australia 2014 Inaugural NGAA National Congress The City of Playford in South Australia will be hosting the 2014 Inaugural National Growth Areas Alliance...