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Roy Green

The Conversation | 23 August 2013

Where will Australia’s future growth come from? After the mining boom. Another chapter from CPD’s Pushing our luck makes an appearance in The Conversation. Roy Green’s chapter ‘After the boom: where will growth come from?’ focuses on jobs,...

Melbourne Writers' Festival 2013 artwork

Melbourne Writers’ Festival, Fourth Annual Philanthropy & Ethics Forum | Melbourne, 1 Sept

The Fourth Annual Philanthropy and Ethics Forum: Mind the Gap Does philanthropy distort government policy and misdirect resources? Or does it enhance participation and opportunity? Mary Crooks(Victorian Women’s Trust), Sayajit Das (finance analyst and writer), Miriam Lyons (CPD...

Geoff Gallop

Crikey | 16 August 2013

Evaluating government performance. A vision for policies, putting politics aside. Geoff Gallop former premier of Western Australia is author of the chapter ‘The vision thing: we need a national plan’ in CPD’s Pushing our luck. An edited...

3CR | 14 August 2013

The Problems with Property Severe housing affordability pressures Marcus Westbury of Renew Australia (and CPD fellow), teamed up with Australians for Affordable Housing‘s Joel Pringle and Prosper Australia‘s Karl Fitzgerald to raise debate and discussion on...


Avid Reader | 17 September 2013

Pushing our luck panel discussion Avid Reader will be holding a panel discussion for Pushing our luck with Jesse Richardson (of  dontbeaf*** fame), Dr Mark Bahnisch, Professor John Quiggin and Pushing Our Luck editor and CPD executive director...

Miriam Lyons on The Drum 15 Aug 2013

ABC The Drum | 15 August 2013

Back to the Northern foodbowl? Miriam engages Nick Minchin on agricultural & economic policy. Libs are witholding their costings, but do anyone’s sums add up? And should the PM be touting company tax breaks...

Crikey Independent media independent minds

Crikey | 6 August 2013

‘Six policies we won’t be seeing this election campaign’… Will important health issues be on the agenda? Jennifer Doggett, CPD fellow and author of the chapter ‘Getting better: Prescriptions for a holistic health system’ in...


The Greens food plan draws on CPD research

‘Our Food Our Future: The Greens Plan for Australia’s Food Security’ Greens leader Christine Milne launched ‘Our Food Future’ last week with an online discussion answering questions live. Viewers were able to post questions in a...

Anglicare 2013

Anglicare Australia National Conference | Brisbane 15-18 September

Drawing on our diversity… 2013 Anglicare Australia National Conference This year Anglicare Australia will focus on the theme Drawing on our diversity for their 2013 conference. CPD’s executive director Miriam Lyons has been invited to...

the guardian 'g'

The Guardian Australia | 12 August 2013

Grogonomics: ‘Australia is changing – where will future productivity growth come from?’ Greg Jericho’s article in The Guardian Australia focuses on Prof Roy Green’s chapter in CPD’s forthcoming book for election 2013 Pushing our luck. Roy’s chapter in turn...