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Pavan Sukhdev in front of CPD banner

Pavan Sukhdev | Corporation 2020 | Sydney, 3 December 2012

Corporation 2020: the engine of tomorrow’s green economy?  Economist Pavan Sukhdev, a leading strategist in sustainable practice, returns to Australia to share his vision of a global green economy as explored in his latest...

Lindy Edwards | The Passion of Politics | Sydney, 18 October 2012

Catalyst Book Launch | 18 October, Sydney 6:00 drinks for 6:30pm start, 18 Oct, Atrium, Trades Hall, 4 Goulburn St, Sydney RSVP Essential: Join Catalyst for the launch of CPD fellow Lindy Edwards’...

Australian Sustainability | Sydney, 8-9 November

CPD Research Director: panellist at Australian Sustainability Conference & Exhibition (ASCE) Laura Eadie will be a panellist at the inaugural ASCE at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre on 8 & 9 November 2012....

Online Opinion, 5 September 2012

CPD fellow gets beyond Gillard’s Gonski rhetoric and asks: what’s in it for schools? In his short opinion piece, CPD fellow Chris Bonnor unmasks the political self-preservation behind Gillard’s populist take on the Gonski...

Markus Mannheim | The Age, 4 September 2012

Public Sector Informant: How big is our government? Markus Mannheim analysed comments in The Australian last week by the head of the Business Council of Australia, Tony Shepherd, with reference to findings from an earlier CPD...

Lenore Taylor | Sydney Morning Herald, 18 August 2012

The pain behind the plan of Abbott’s Mr Fixit SMH National Affairs Correspondent interviews Big Society ‘architect’ Blond, drawing on CPD research Lenore Taylor’s interview with Phillip Blond investigated the failings of David Cameron’s...

VCOSS | More questions than answers on the Big Society

Victorian Council of Social Service responds to interest aroused by Q&A Phillip Blond’s appearance on ABC TV’s Questions and Answers last week stimulated a great deal of discussion both on and off screen. Blond’s...

Arja Keski-Nummi | ABC RN Drive

Parliamentary approval sought for off-shore processing CPD Fellow joins Jenny McGregor in conversation with Waleed Aly CPD Fellow Arja Keski-Nummi was interviewed on ABC RN Drive, alongside AsiaLink CEO Jenny McGregor. Arja expressed her...

Christopher Stone | ABC Radio National, 29 July 2012

RN Sunday Extra: The shrinking public sector CPD Researcher Chris Stone joins Julie Novak (IPA) and Stephen Bartos (ACIL Tasman) Around 38,000 jobs have been culled from state and federal public service over the...

Caroline Hoisington | The Mercury, 14 August 2012

‘Groups unite to protect fish’ CPD Fellow observes resistance from many Tasmanian sides, to incursion on fish stocks by super trawler Margiris Hundreds of boats representing a range of interest groups joined a protest...