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Ben Eltham | Carbon Free Will Be A Hard Slog

Can we meet our 2020 renewable energy target? The new report from the Grattan Institute pulls no punches as it highlights the magnitude of the task at hand, writes Ben Eltham in New Matilda....

Miriam Lyons | ABC Q&A

In the much anticipated return of Q&A in 2012, CPD director Miriam Lyons casts her political lens on the hot topics for this year. Along with finance minister Penny Wong, shadow treasurer Joe Hockey,...

National Sustainable Food Summit webinar | Online

CPD input to food industry thinking Replay Laura Eadie’s webinar here Check out the 2013 National Sustainable Food Summit here CPD Research Director Laura Eadie presented an online webinar to the 3 Pillars knowledge...

Chris Bonnor | The ‘State’ of our schools

The very schools that the education bureaucracies are supposed to champion are increasingly becoming a safety net for the children that no one else wants. Chris Bonnor writes: The media stories at the start...

John Menadue | A Regional Cooperation Framework: International Association of Refugee Law Judges, Australian Chapter, Melbourne

There are 33 million persons of concern to the UNHCR throughout the world. There are about 15 million refugees. With instability and failed states, numbers are likely to increase, including in transit countries such...

Ian McAuley | The Howard Years Were No Golden Age

If Tony Abbott is serious about the Opposition’s claims of economic competence, he should stop harking back to the Howard years as he did yesterday at the National Press Club – and here’s why....

Ben Eltham | A Wealthy Amateur Who Wants Respect

It’s not easy turning dirt into power. Gina Rinehart has the money but she’s struggled to wield national influence. That may change now that she has a bigger stake in Fairfax, writes Ben Eltham...

Ben Eltham | The Mob Violence That Wasn’t

The media has framed it as violent but the tent embassy protest was basically peaceful. It’s this gross distortion – and the heavy-handed response of the AFP – that warrant criticism, writes Ben Eltham...

What would ‘Big Society’ mean for Australia?

Our first major report in CPD’s Public Service research program, The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report, analysed political commentary and media coverage that, at times, depicts the Australian Public Service...

Ben Eltham | The National Riot Mismanagement Squad

As the media continues to distort the tent embassy protest, the behaviour of Gillard’s office is under scrutiny. It’s another media debacle for the embattled PM, writes Ben Eltham. “And that’s the real tragedy...