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Mike Steketee | Vietnam-style solution needed

Mike Steketee writes in The Australian about the compromises that were made for the hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese refugees  during the Vietnam war. For Australia to return to these much more reasonable policies,...

Public Service Discussion | 6pm, 29 May, Melbourne

Following the release of our forthcoming ‘Big Society’ report in late May, we will host an informal networking event in Melbourne for subscribers who share our interest in the public sector and its role...

John Menadue | Support for Regional Asylum Seeker System

CPD founder John Menadue appears on ABC Radio to discuss regional solutions to Australia’s asylum seeker policy. After the most recent asylum seeker tragedy off the coast of Java, Menadue outlines the fact that...

Bruce Hawker | Abbott’s partisan politicking over refugees is heading for the rocks

Bruce Hawker writing in The Australian provides commentary on Tony Abbott’s refusal to negotiate on asylum seeker policy. He qoutes CPD founder and former head of Department of Immigration John Menadue. “Australians don’t seem...

John Menadue & Arja Keski-Nummi | No man is an island, they say. So why the sea of heartbreak?

Opponents of the Gillard government’s so-called Malaysian solution need to think again, writes John Menadue and Arja Keski-Nummi in The Age here. They look back at the agreement, the opportunities it offers for steering...

PUBLIC SERVICE IN THE NEWS | Can transnational corporations deliver public goods to citizens?

Scandalous cost of justice: £861 a night to lock up young crime suspects… £650 to stay at the Ritz > Locking up young crime suspects for a night costs more than a suite at...

Reforming Public Services Summit | Melbourne, 7-8 May 2012

Real reform towards citizen-centred social policy
 and empowered users of public services
 Why a Summit on Reforming Public Services? Reform of public services has been a constant theme amongst governments, policy officials, and service delivery...

Ian McAuley | The Blight Of Isolation

This article originally appeared on New Matilda here. Britain has never been comfortable with its geographic and economic location. Many British refer to “Europe” as some other place, ignoring their own ethnic, linguistic and...

PUBLIC SERVICE IN THE NEWS | Evidence mounts against the efficiency dividend

Agency staff report increased mistakes > A NEW survey reveals that more than 50 per cent of staff from agencies including Centrelink, Medicare and the Child support agency are reporting that more mistakes are...

John Menadue | Media Missing the Boat on Asylum-Seeker Coverage

There is a real myth surrounding the public’s warped perception on asylum seekers arriving by boat, and CPD’s Director John Menadue holds Australia’s media highly responsible. With asylum seekers arriving by boat being caught...