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Why Australia DOESN’T need Public Service Cuts | James Whelan

James Whelan – “Most Australians support government exercising an active role in society and the economy…” With the Federal Government expected to announce major spending cuts as part of its mid-year economic forecast, debate...

Ben Eltham | You Wouldn’t Read About It

The Gillard Government’s media inquiry has provided the big players with an opportunity to deny there’s anything amiss in the industry. That’s rank hypocrisy, argues Ben Eltham First published in New Matilda here. Here...

James Whelan | Debating the PS Burden: A View From Both Sides

Public sector budgeting issues have come into focus as the government stands by its purely political commitment to run a surplus next year in the face of strong economic arguments that suggest a continued...

A big year for CPD – Add your voice to ours!

It has been a big year for progressive politics and a big year for CPD. Take a look below at what we have been up to in recent months – providing an alternative blueprint...

The Australian | Time to tap into think-tank wisdom

Last saturday CPD was involved in the Battle of the Think Tanks, an event that showcased CPD’s political ideas    (Link) Leonie Phillips Principal of Thought Broker writes in The Australian what she feels...

Green Left Weekly | Bipartisan Bill Attacks Refugees

A prospective amendment to the Migration Act that is about to be heard by the Senate, makes it an offence to be a ‘people smuggler’ and may harm the cases of up to 350...

Ben Eltham | This Week the News Went Global

Obama’s visit and the APEC forum have put international relations in the spotlight this week. It’s about time, even if the fanfare around a presidential visit drowned out the big issues, writes Ben Eltham...

Miriam Lyons | ABC’s The Drum

CPD’s Miriam Lyons joins the panel on ABC’s The Drum. In this episode, Tim Palmer speaks to the author of The Most Dangerous Man in the World, Andrew Fowler, Miriam Lyons from the Centre...

Miriam Lyons | ABC Local Radio Hobart on Battle of the Think Tanks

Miriam Lyons, Executive Director of the CPD, recently spoke to Leon Compton on ABC Local Radio, Tasmania, about this weekend’s political debate the Battle of the Think Tanks. Miriam will be representing CPD in this event...

James Whelan | Attitudes toward our Public Services

James Whelan, Public Service Research Program Director, recently wrote an article for Government News discussing the newly published CPD paper entitled State of the Public Service Report. Within this article for Government News James discusses the...