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Ben Eltham | Arts Policy Converging into a Government Hash

First published in Crikey here The government this week released one of the most important discussion papers about the arts and culture in years, and almost no one in the arts sector noticed. It...

The Battle of the Think Tanks | Sydney, November 12

EVENT | The Battle of the Think Tanks Australia’s most prolific and influential think tanks will duke it out over whose ideology and vision for the future should prevail. Pitting speakers from social democrat...

Adelaide Now | Seagrass ‘stores $79 per ha of carbon’

Online news outlet Adelaide Now covers the release of our new report; Stocking Up: Securing Our Marine Economy (available to Download here). The article draws attention to one of the key messages of the report, the...

Chris Bonnor | Why Do State School Parents Want to Go Private?

As a recent poll has indicated, almost half of Australians say they would choose an independent school, if not for the fees. CPD Fellow Chris Bonnor says that there are more teacher differences within...

Ben Eltham | First A Media Inquiry, Then Regulatory Reform?

Stephen Conroy’s media inquiry could be far more politically significant than first expected. While Senator Conroy maintains that “I don’t need an inquiry to establish that the Murdoch press owns 70% of newspapers in...

James Arvanitakis | Gillard Can Win In Three Easy Steps

It is widely regarded that things can not get much worse for Labour. Assailed on all fronts, is the Government doomed to loose the next election? James Arvanitakis does not think so. In The...

Public Service (and CPD) in Australian Parliament 12 September

Dr LEIGH (Fraser) (21:12): I rise to speak in praise of public sector workers in the ACT and throughout Australia. It was my pleasure recently to attend a roundtable discussion hosted by Slater and...

Tim Marshall | Australia’s oceans need to be promoted in economic terms

Following the release of CPD’s research paper, Stocking Up: Securing our Marine Economy, Sustainable Economy Research Director Laura Eadie was interviewed by ABC Rural host Tim Marshall. The worth of Australia’s ocean resources, is grossly...

The People’s Daily | Australia Puts Price on Dying Oceans

Our research on our ocean wealth makes it all the way to China – The People’s Daily reports on CPD’s research paper Stocking Up: Securing our Marine Economy, emphasising its implications for Australia’s carbon...

ABC Rural | Report Says Ocean Resources are ‘Undervalued’ in the Economy

Following CPD’s recently released report, Stocking Up, Securing Our Marine Economy, ABC Rural reports on the undervaluing of Australia’s marine resources. While official accounts currently recognise only $44 billion in value, overlooking the extra value...