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PUBLIC SERVICE IN THE NEWS | Public service workers, charities and the US

America’s inhumane approach to labour problems will finish Obama > The US remedy for their plight is similar to the idea behind Britain’s “big society”: leave it to churches, voluntary associations and “the community”...

Think. Talk. Drink. A national innovation agenda for Australia | Sydney, October 25

A very innovative Talk, Think, Drink It seems everyone knows about Australia’s ‘two-speed economy’, our national reliance on commodity exports, and the problems in manufacturing and tourism arising from the strong Aussie dollar. But...

Forbes Advocate | $25b Treasure Trove Uncovered

WHAT price nature? When it comes to adding up the ecological benefits to Australia of its huge marine domain, the first serious stab at a value is $25 billion. Forbes Advocate Andrew Darby reports...

Pew Environment Group | New Report Finds Marine Sanctuaries an Important Economic Investment

Pew Environment Group reports on CPD’s research paper, Stocking Up: Securing our Marine Economy. Worth $69 billion per year to the national economy, establishing a network of marine sanctuaries would help secure and boost...

The World Today | Report Reassesses Worth of Our Oceans

CPD’s Sustainable Economy Research Director Laura Eadie was interviewed by The World Today’s Sarah Clarke following the release of Stocking Up: Securing our Marine Economy. The economically invisible value of our marine ecosystem services...

ABC News | South West marine assets valued in the billions

ABC News reports on CPD’s research paper Stocking Up: Securing Our Marine Economy.  Looking beyond commercial fishing and oil and gas exploration to assess the value of industries such as recreational fishing and the ocean’s...

cover image for CPD 'Stocking Up' report - fish swimming in a circle, photographed from below

Stocking Up: Securing Our Marine Economy | LANDMARK REPORT

Introducing CPD’s first major Sustainable Economy Report: Our oceans are often out of sight, but that doesn’t mean they should be out of mind. Australia is surrounded by a vast wealth of oceans. We...

Radio Adelaide Breakfast | The Dollar Value of Our Oceans

Radio Adelaide Breakfast, hosted by Tim Brunero, interviews Laura Eadie our Sustainable Economy Research Director. Tim chats to her about a forward looking research project aimed at economically quantifying Australia’s marine estate. To hear...

Chris Bonnor | Radical change needed to make school system fair for all

Fellow of the Center for Policy Development, Chris Bonnor offers an insight into the revelations of the recent Gonski report into school funding in his opinion piece in The Age. The evidence unequivocally displays the...

James Whelan | Public Sector Cuts Will Hurt in Times of Crisis

Public service must be ready for the unexpected, writes James Whelan. NSW Treasurer Mike Baird’s promise to retrench 5,000 public servants should be no surprise for those familiar with Liberal party attitudes and policy....