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All boom, no benefit? Why Queensland needs a new economic strategy | OCCASIONAL PAPER | February 2014

CPD responds to the draft Queensland Plan, asking where economic growth will come from to lift incomes above the rest of Australia. All boom, no benefit?  from the Centre for Policy Development argues Queensland...

CPD bird motif & 'ideas'

CPD internships 2014

CPD is looking for bold, bright and active thinkers to join our team as interns in 2014. CPD seeks to combat the short-termism of the political cycle by producing creative and far-sighted ideas for...

global go to think tank index image

Global Go To Think Tank Index | January 2014

CPD Sustainable Economy program achieves international ‘gold standard’ ranking. The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the University of Pennsylvania has released its Global Go-To Think Tank Index for 2013. Over 1,950 scholars,...

Travers McLeod smiling

Message from Travers McLeod

I am delighted to write to you as CPD’s new CEO. As Miriam Lyons and I conclude our handover this week, I am amazed by her legacy here, and grateful that she will remain...

Aus Options 75

Australian Options | January 2014

Review of Pushing our luck by Ray Broomhill. Australian Options is published by a registered non profit subscriber owned Association – Australian Options Publishing Inc. The journal was “launched on the basis of positive responses to...

CPD Patron Fred Chaney AO – Senior Australian of the Year

Congratulations Best wishes to CPD Patron and author Fred Chaney AO honoured as Senior Australian of the Year with recognition for his work in support of often marginalised people. “Fred’s long history of public...

Mim on 'The Drum'

The Drum | 22 January 2014

Allegations of asylum seeker abuse; children in detention centres; conflict in Syria. CPD’s outgoing Executive Director Miriam Lyons joins former NSW Liberal leader, now with Barton Deakin, Peter Collins, the economics editor for The Age,...

TheGuardian logo

The Guardian | 15 January 2014

‘Electricity tariff system unfair and unsustainable, say energy experts’ Lenore Taylor finds the electricity tariff system unfair for those without air conditioners In the current electricity system all consumers pay for the network of...


The Age | 14 January 2014

Operation Sovereign Borders – Australia’s “military-led, border security operation” Travers McLeod, CPD’s incoming Chief Executive Officer, suggests that if ‘Operation Sovereign Borders’ is being approached as a military operation then it should be assessed...


The Land | 5 January 2014

Agricultural policies back on the table. Farming smarter acknowledges Australia’s agricultural needs. Labor is revising their agricultural policies in the hopes of capitalising on economic opportunities into the ‘Asian century’. Shadow Agriculture Minister Joel Fitzgibbon...