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Five Ideas in Five Minutes

If all this talk of taxation is, well, taxing, Daniel Frank takes us back to basics on the possible changes to Australia’s tax system.

5 ideas in 5 minutes

In this month’s 5 ideas in 5 minutes, Daniel Frank looks at: the Corporate Responsibility Index │10,000 Women │Triple Bottom Line Accounting │Socially Responsible Investment │ Legislating Corporate Conduct

5 ideas in 5 minutes

In this month’s 5 ideas in 5 minutes, Daniel Frank looks at political donations and philanthropy: Blind Trusts │Donations Tracking│ Banning Political Donations│ Democracy Assistance │ Gifts in Kind

5 ideas in 5 minutes

In this month’s 5 ideas in 5 minutes, Daniel Frank gathers new thinking on transport in cities: Velib │ Public Transport funded by Fuel Tax │ Dynamic Kerbside Pricing │ Transport Innovation Fund │...

5 ideas in 5 minutes

In this month’s 5 ideas in 5 minutes, Daniel Frank looks at innovative thinking to combat climate change: the Electric Car │Freecycle │Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa │Decentralised Energy │ the Shadow...

5 ideas in 5 minutes

Following the 2020 Summit, this month’s instalment of 5 ideas in 5 minutes tracks new discussions on governance in Australia: Republicanism │ Federalism │ Indigenous representation in cultural institutions │ Collaborative governance │ Indigenous...

5 ideas in 5 minutes

We return to our 5 ideas in 5 minutes series, profiling innovative ideas from around the world. This month we look at: Sky Trust | Clean Car Feebate | Kiva | Bolsa Familia |...