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Australia’s diversity advantage

Conformity is the enemy of everything Australia is and needs to be in the twenty-first century, writes Emma Dawson. We need to look anew at cultural diversity through the lens of social cohesion.

Australia’s public broadcasters | DISCUSSION PAPER

In this draft discussion paper Emma Dawson and Miriam Lyons outline the basic principles that should underpin our public broadcasting policy, and suggest some ways to better equip the ABC and SBS to meet...

INTRODUCTION: Ideas for an Australian media policy | DISCUSSION PAPER

The Centre for Policy Development is developing a series of discussion papers on media policy reform. In this introduction former Centre for Policy Development fellow Emma Dawson and current CPD Director Miriam Lyons argue...

The ABCs of protecting the Public Interest

Emma Dawson asks what it would take to ensure that our ABC remains in the service of the Australian public, rather than the Government.

EDITORIAL: Telling Our Own Stories

Emma Dawson introduces a special edition on media policy

Submission to the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts (DCITA)

Submission to the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts (DCITA) In response to MEETING THE DIGITAL CHALLENGE Reforming Australia’s media in the digital age DISCUSSION PAPER ON MEDIA REFORM OPTIONS By Emma...

New Matilda submission to DCITA

The New Matilda Media Convenor Emma Dawson responded to Meeting the digital challenge, Minister Helen Coonan’s discussion paper on media reform, in a submission to the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts...

What makes a public — not ‘national commercial’ — broadcaster

Emma Dawson considers the recent attacks on the ABC and what they might mean for the future of the public broadcaster. Dawson believes that the Minister’s adoption of ‘national’ rather than ‘public’ broadcaster reflects...

Media ownership changes: a summary of Coonan’s discussion paper

Communications minister Senator Helen Coonan released her long-awaited proposal for changes to Australian media ownership laws yesterday. The Centre for Policy Development Media Convenor Emma Dawson provides our readers with a summary of the...

Media Ownership on the agenda?

With the release of a Discussion Paper on cross-media ownership expected any day now, Emma Dawson sets the scene for what will be an important public debate. She raises several of the key issues...