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Ian Dunlop

Ian Dunlop | Four-degree rise demands ninety-degree rethink

SMH News Review, 22 September 2012 As climate change shifts into “a new and dangerous phase,” CPD Fellow Dunlop reveals alarming new climate change projections, and marvels at continued inaction by the political, business...

Ian Dunlop | Managing Catastrophic Risk

Australia prides itself, rightly, on its ability to respond to crises.  During the Victorian bushfires, Queensland floods and Cyclone Yasi, which were almost certainly intensified by climate change, Australia’s disaster recovery systems acquitted themselves...

Ian Dunlop | Changing the “Official Future”

As the complexity of the issues facing business and government mounts, scenario planning has become an increasingly popular technique.  It is rare to find a policy or economic report these days which does not...

Ian Dunlop | Corporate Heads in the Sand: Global Warming, Risk & Governance

Global warming is about risk and uncertainty.  Many factors probably contribute to it, including natural variability. However, it is beyond reasonable doubt that the world is warming and that human carbon emissions are a...

It’s Time to Heed the Evidence on Climate Change – full paper

Ian Dunlop makes the case for science-based climate policy

It’s time to heed the evidence on climate change

Ian Dunlop tells us we need to heed the warnings of more recent climate science

The financial crisis – our great opportunity

Ian Dunlop exposes the wide-ranging problem underlying the financial crisis: environmentally unsustainable economic growth. Throughout the developed world, the financial crisis has prompted calls for the restoration of economic stability and moderation to a...

Towards a realistic climate change policy

The Emissions Trading Task Group is a creature of another age – an age before we knew just how seriously our activities were jeapardising the climate. Former senior oil & coal industry executive Ian...

Qantas sale: flying blind into turbulent times

The threat of climate change and the sale of Qantas have sat cheek-by-jowl on the business pages in recent weeks – but no one has spotted the link between the two. Former head of...