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Ian McAuley

What we failed to learn from the GFC

Ian McAuley draws our attention to a report that Chris Bowen, Minister for Financial Services, released in the sleepy season – the Johnson report on the finance sector

Where to from here on climate change…

The CPD team reflect on better processes for making complex climate change decisions.

Medicare Select – Entrenching Inequality in Health Care? | DISCUSSION PAPER

Ian McAuley and Peter Frank analyse the ‘Medicare Select’ proposal and find it wanting.

Money, Money, Money

The love of money may not be the root of all evil, writes Ian McAuley, but it certainly warps our understanding of real wealth

Tax: A Broader Mission

Are we asking our tax and transfer systems to do too much? Ian McAuley believes we have been trying to use transfer payments to compensate for our economy’s inability to provide enough well-paying jobs...

Cracking down on the private health insurance rebate should be just the beginning: Ian McAuley

Centre for Policy Development fellow Ian McAuley discusses the private health insurance rebate and why it bolsters the wealthy and penalises self-reliance.

BrisConnections: A $5 billion lesson in public finance? Ian McAuley

How many more failures like BrisConnections do we need before we revert to the more traditional and simpler ways of financing infrastructure? CPD fellow Ian McAuley asks the hard questions.

Ian McAuley asks ‘What next?’

From the time Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy last September, most politicians and public servants have been busy trying to contain the damage of the global economic crisis, without paying much attention to the...

You can see a lot by just looking: Understanding human judgement in financial decision-making | OCCASIONAL PAPER

In this paper CPD fellow Ian McAuley outlines the main implications of behavioural economics for financial decision-making, breaking down the myth that market participants are always rational decision-makers who act to maximise their own...

More than one health insurer is too many: the case for a single insurer | DISCUSSION PAPER

CPD fellow Ian McAuley explores the intrinsic limitations of Australia’s current private health insurance system and explains how a single national health insurer can overcome them. McAuley argues that a single national insurer is...