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Ian McAuley

Competition: Too Much of a Good Thing?

In the second of two articles on consumer policy and competition, CPD fellow Ian McAuley examines the limits of competition in the Australian policy marketplace.

Broadening Financial Understanding Summit

CPD fellow Ian McAuley will talk about financial decision-making at the Australian Bankers’ Association summit on Broadening Financial Understanding in Sydney on July 2.

Whingeing at the pump

In the 18 years from 1989-90 (the base of the consumer price index) to March 2008, the “private motoring” component of the CPI has risen at an average annual rate of 2.7%. That’s happens...

Ian McAuley examines the Australian economy for the Australian Collaboration

CDP fellow Ian McAuley surveys Australia’s economic structure, including an outline of some long-term and medium-term challenges for Australian economic policy in his Australian Economic Fact Sheet for the Australia Collaboration, a group of...

Choice – too much of a good thing?

In the first of a series of two articles on consumer choice and competition policy, CPD Fellow Ian McAuley examines assumptions about the value of choice in the policy marketplace.

The great power debate

New South Wales needs investment in electricity and public transport. Whether these assets are privately or publicly owned, there will be the same requirements for labour and materials to construct them, and the same...

Enter left: let’s hope Rudd isn’t a ‘Strong Leader’

Ian McAuley asks how Kevin Rudd can exercise true leadership and avoid the ‘Strong Leader’ style which helped bring about the Howard government’s demise.

How the bean-counters took over the campaign

Debate in this election campaign has confused the basic task of balancing the national chequebook with the far more important and complex challenge of sound economic management, argues Ian McAuley.

Taking Mersey more complicated than it seems

CPD fellow Ian McAuley analysed Tony Abbott’s troubled takeover of Mersey hospital for online news site Crikey.

The housing story: the reality of interest rates

Borrower blindness and confusion over the difference between real and nominal interest rates have contributed to Australia’s heavy debt burden, writes Ian McAuley. But education alone won’t be enough to change consumer behaviour –...