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James Whelan

Big Society image - cartoon by Fiona Katauskas

Big Society | How the UK gov’t is dismantling the state and what it means for Australia | LANDMARK REPORT

Download Big Society and Australia report (5mB .pdf) “Bush declared war on terror, Blair declared war on crime and it’s like Cameron has declared war on the public sector.” It’s just over two years since...

James Whelan | Public Service Race to the Bottom

This article was first published on ABC’s The Drum here. The Gillard Government’s announcement last week to cut public sector spending by $1.5 billion is unwise fiscal policy, out of step with community attitudes...

James Whelan responds to Julie Novak | Evidence please, not more bashing of our public sector

This Monday. Julie Novak from the IPA once again targeted public service cuts as a necessary step toward a surplus budget. In her most recent article published on Online Opinion, she took aim at...