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Jennifer Doggett

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  • Jennifer Doggett

Jennifer Doggett, Ian McAuley and John Menadue: No wonder we’re wasting money in health care – we got the incentives wrong

A recently-aired ABC Four Corners program aptly titled “Wasted” exposed three areas of unnecessary, ineffective and outright dangerous health interventions, in knee, spinal and heart surgery. The show’s host, Norman Swan, presumably extrapolating from...

Jennifer Doggett | A Healthy Start, but it’s Complicated

The new budget might seem to be groundbreaking, but what does it really mean for health? Jennifer Doggett cuts through the fat of the 2011 budget. In Federal politics, as in MasterChef, a well-presented...

Australia is one step closer to an integrated health system | Jennifer Doggett

CPD health expert, Jennifer Doggett, takes a look at the introduction last week into Federal Parliament of legislation to establish the National Health and Hospitals Network (NHHN). It’s a step closer to an integrated...

Means-testing just one way to roll back an inefficient health subsidy

Resident CPD health policy expert, Jennifer Doggett, takes a close look at what the government proposes to include in a bill to be introduced to parliament soon. While labor may now be calling for...

Shock Tactics

Are the ads made by John Singleton attacking the ALP’s health record telling the whole story? Jennifer Doggett tunes in

Hang On – Are Local Hospital Boards Really A Good Idea?

The Coalition released its health and hospitals package today, including a pledge to establish local hospital boards. Before the paperwork stacks up too high, Jennifer Doggett has a closer look at the policy

Health Care Affordability Needs A Makeover

There’s a big difference between having a bad hair day and getting sick, writes Jennifer Doggett, and that’s why we need more action on health care affordability

Rudd’s Health Reforms: More Politics than Policy

Jennifer Doggett considers that the significance of the COAG meeting on health reform needs to be seen in terms of politics, rather than policy.

Taking the pain out of patients’ hip pockets

Jennifer Doggett puts the spotlight on a significant gap in the health reform debate – the growing proportion of health funding that comes directly from patient’s pockets, as co-payments or out of pocket expenses.

Out of pocket: rethinking health copayments | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Jennifer Doggett proposes a complete rethink of the way we pay for health care in the Centre for Policy Development’s latest paper ‘Out of Pocket’