All Posts By

John Quiggin

Risk and the financial system – time for a People’s Bank? At least it’s time for review

John Quiggin calls for, if not a People’s bank, at least a new inquiry into the financial system.

The end of neo-liberalism? Implications of the crisis

John Quiggin questions the long- term implications of the financial crisis: The implications of the current crisis seem likely to be as equally profound as those of the 1970s inflationary recession that saw the...

The end of Public Private Partnerships?

Centre for Policy Development fellow John Quiggin explains why, in the context of the current global financial crisis, the flow of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) projects have come to a halt, and are unlikely...

Who bears the risk? | OCCASIONAL PAPER

In a new discussion paper, ‘The Risk Society: social democracy in an uncertain world’, CPD fellow John Quiggin examines the role of government as the ultimate risk manager. He argues that risk will be...

The risk society

CPD fellow John Quiggin examines the role of government as the ultimate risk manager. He argues that risk will be the defining concept of the 21st century, the way that globalisation was for the...

Beer, Cigs, Same — Budget loses the limelight

Budgets used to be the central focus of debate over macroeconomic policy and the likely outlook for unemployment and inflation, writes John Quiggin. This is now done by monetary policy, which has killed off...