All Posts By

Kate Gauthier

Kate Gauthier | Take more asylum seekers to ensure fewer boats

Writing in The Punch, CPD fellow Kate Gauthier criticises the narr0w-minded policies put forward by both parties on the asylum seeker issue. A fair and equitable debate is being called for. The two major parties...

Kate Gauthier | Both parties are all at sea on asylum policy

You’ve heard a lot about the asylum policy debate in the media. The Government announces a new policy. The opposition denounces any new policy. Talk back radio goes back and forth about the best...

Suffer the little children – asylum seeking kids in Australia

There are 628 children in immigration detention. The Government claims that kids are not held behind razor wire. But does that mean it is humane? Kate Gauthier, who is part of a reforming of...

Election promises on boats will not pass parliament

In the lead up to the election, we saw both major parties making policy pledges to stop asylum boats. Kate Guathier looks at the numbers in a hung parliament and considers whether either major...

Bring Out Yer Dead Policies: The Coalition’s Asylum Strategy

Abbott has pledged to stop the boats at all costs but his policies have been tested by previous Coalition governments — and failed. Real questions remain about the effectiveness and implementation of the Coalition’s...