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Lachlan Williams

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  • Lachlan Williams
Aerial map of Australia

Economic modelling of Australia’s emissions reductions pathways – Climate Change Authority Submission

Economic modelling of Australia’s emissions reductions pathways is a submission by the Centre for Policy Development to the Climate Change Authority’s consultation on this topic.

Parliament House, Canberra

Government leadership on net zero briefing note

The Government Leadership on Net Zero briefing sets out three key dimensions of leadership: Ambition, Innovation and Honesty

Green gold report cover

Green gold – A strategy to kickstart Australia’s renewable industry future

Green gold is a report from the Centre for Policy Development’s sustainable economy program. It advises policymakers on how to make public investments that convert Australia’s nascent competitive advantages into industries that support living...

Picture of two men speaking at an event in front of a blue backdrop featuring traditional Balinese architecture. One man wears a suit and tie, the other a batik shirt.

ASEAN Energy Business Forum

The ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF), was held in Bali on 25 August 2023. The Centre for Policy Development produced an event at the forum titled Investing in Energy Transition in Indonesia: Bridging the...

Graphic of children between 1 and 5 years old, with growing plants

Early Childhood Development Council – 4 August 2023

The seventh meeting of the Early Childhood Development Council was held in Canberra at Parliament House on Tuesday 29 November 2022. The council brings together senior policymakers from every Australian jurisdiction, policy researchers, industry...

Picture of a child's drawing in progress

A brief history of Commonwealth involvement in early childhood education and care in Australia

Prior to 1972, long day care was provided by a mix of philanthropic and private organisations, having evolved separately to preschools (which were not considered to meet the needs of working mothers because of...

Parliament House, Canberra

MEDIA RELEASE: Intergenerational Report’s long-term wellbeing signposts

Intergenerational Report’s long-term wellbeing signposts Thursday 24 August 2023 – The Intergenerational Report released by Treasury today contains important signposts that the nation should heed to pursue long-term wellbeing, combat disadvantage and create opportunity...

Wellbeing Government Initiave CPD Image

Lessons from Australia’s past national wellbeing approaches

Lessons from Australia’s past national wellbeing approaches Lessons from Australia's Past National Wellbeing Approaches (PDF) is a briefing paper from the Centre for Policy Development’s Wellbeing Initiative that examines Australia's history in relation to...

A wind farm among green paddocks

2035 Climate Initiative Roundtable Three | July 19 2023

2035 Climate Initiative roundtable number three focused on Australia’s path to clean export industries like green steel and value-added critical minerals.

MEDIA RELEASE: Wellbeing framework supports economy that works for people

Measuring What Matters announcement positions Australia with leading global democracies It represents a vital upgrade from traditional economic measures It is designed to develop over time, providing guidance to public decision-makers Friday 21 July...