Redefining Progress: Global lessons for an Australian approach to wellbeing
Redefining Progress is a report from the Centre For Policy Development’s Wellbeing Initiative. Looking at 21 global approaches to wellbeing over the past 50 years it identifies four key characteristics of advanced wellbeing approaches...
Starting Now – Centre for Policy Development
Starting Now - first steps towards a universal early childhood system Starting Now is a briefing paper from the Centre for Policy Development that sets out a roadmap to a universal, accessible and affordable...
Future Ready – Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration
Future Ready - Opportunities to reform the Bali Process Future Ready is a report from the Secretariat of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration that sets out an eight-step plan to strengthen and clarify...
MEDIA RELEASE: CPD Welcomes NSW Government Investment in Early Childhood as National Reform Consensus Gathers Momentum
Announcement indicates emerging consensus on the importance, scale and collaborative nature of early childhood reform Precedes NSW Ministerial participation in June Early Childhood Development Council Investments reflect the aims of CPD’s 2021 Starting Better...
Wellbeing Government Initiative Media Release
1 Jun 2022– The Centre for Policy Development (CPD) has announced the establishment of the Wellbeing Government Initiative.
Climate & Recovery Initiative Roundtable Eight
Climate and Recovery Initiative Roundtable Eight, from Centre for Policy Development and ClimateWorks Centre. Part of the Sustainable Economy Program at the Centre for Policy Development.
Starting Better – Centre for Policy Development
Starting Better: A Guarantee for Young Children and Families Starting Better: A guarantee for young children and families, is a major report from the Centre For Policy Development. It draws on extensive consultation and...
VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT: Climate Risk, Capital Markets and Global Governance
The climate risk, capital markets and global governance forum saw senior leaders from Australia and the United States explore the latest climate policy developments, their impact on economic strategy and diplomacy, and how Australia’s...