Pushing our luck

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Miriam Lyons caricature by Fiona Katauskas

Pushing our luck launch: Sydney Ideas | 26 September

Pushing our luck: ideas for Australian progress FREE launch event Sydney Ideas forum What are the ten big issues that will shape this country for the next ten years? From school education to cultural integration, climate...

Politics in the pub logo

Politics in the pub | 20 September, Sydney

O’Farrell’s unprecedented cuts to the public sector – jobs & services under threat – Anne Gardner, Public Service Association NSW – Christopher Stone research director, public service program, Centre for Policy Development WHERE...

Jane Caro and Chris Bonnor AM

The Sydney Morning Herald & The Age | 26 August 2013

‘Rush to schools in wealthy suburbs skews the system’ ‘Strugglers sit next to strugglers in some schools and the fortunate next to the fortunate…’ Jane Caro and Chris Bonnor, authors of the chapter ‘Getting...


Avid Reader | 17 September 2013

Pushing our luck panel discussion Avid Reader will be holding a panel discussion for Pushing our luck with Jesse Richardson (of  dontbeaf***ingidiot.com fame), Dr Mark Bahnisch, Professor John Quiggin and Pushing Our Luck editor and CPD executive director...

Miriam Lyons on The Drum 15 Aug 2013

ABC The Drum | 15 August 2013

Back to the Northern foodbowl? Miriam engages Nick Minchin on agricultural & economic policy. Libs are witholding their costings, but do anyone’s sums add up? And should the PM be touting company tax breaks...

Anglicare 2013

Anglicare Australia National Conference | Brisbane 15-18 September

Drawing on our diversity… 2013 Anglicare Australia National Conference This year Anglicare Australia will focus on the theme Drawing on our diversity for their 2013 conference. CPD’s executive director Miriam Lyons has been invited to...

the guardian 'g'

The Guardian Australia | 12 August 2013

Grogonomics: ‘Australia is changing – where will future productivity growth come from?’ Greg Jericho’s article in The Guardian Australia focuses on Prof Roy Green’s chapter in CPD’s forthcoming book for election 2013 Pushing our luck. Roy’s chapter in turn...

IQ2 Fair go debates 2013

St James Ethics Centre ‘Australia is still the land of the ‘fair go” IQ2Oz debate | Sydney, 12 Sept

Symbolised in the Eureka Flag that flew over the stockade, the Australian ideal of a ‘fair go’ for all was supposed to overturn older ideas of class and privilege. Has this ideal withered over...

pushing our luck cover design, detail

Getting good Pushing our luck ideas to Canberra!

Visit the Pushing our luck page on StartSomeGood – http://startsomegood.com/pushingourluck Help yourself to some great reward packages, and help CPD to ‘start some good’ with our UPCOMING BOOK… CPD wants to help inform the debate during the...

recurrent health expenditure chart

D!ssent | Number 42, Spring 2013

‘A new approach to health funding’  by CPD fellows and Pushing our luck authors Jennifer Doggett and Ian McAuley… In this article, Jennifer and Ian find health care funding to be one of few...