Lessons from Australia’s past national wellbeing approaches Lessons from Australia's Past National Wellbeing Approaches (PDF) is a briefing paper from the Centre for Policy Development’s Wellbeing Initiative that examines Australia's history in relation to...
2035 Climate Initiative roundtable number three focused on Australia’s path to clean export industries like green steel and value-added critical minerals.
Submission to the CCA’s consultation on setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets Our Sustainable Economy Program made a submission to the Climate Change Authority’s consultation on setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions...
CPD ASEAN Chair 2023 Side Event: Sustainable Energy Financing and Mobilisation of Energy Investments in ASEAN Watch the ASEAN energy transition event above CPD has continued its high profile work in Indonesia with our...
The Centre for Policy Development (CPD) welcomes Indonesian President Joko Widodo's visit to Australia next week, underscoring it as a pivotal opportunity to bolster the strategic partnership between the two nations. In just 7...
Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Care Our Early Childhood Development Program recently made a submission to the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Early Education & Care that articulates the...
Making our way: Adaptive capacity and climate transition in Australia’s regional economies Making our way: Adaptive capacity and climate transition in Australia’s regional economies is a report from the Centre for Policy Development’s Sustainable...
12th Meeting | Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration Participants gathered in Jakarta for the twelfth meeting of the ADFM. [Image Credit: National Research & Innovation Agency (BRIN)] The Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM)...
CPD supports a Yes vote in the 2023 referendum to create a Voice to Government for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
The 2023 Federal Budget delivers some key elements of long-term wellbeing for Australia and the region, but these must be accompanied by deeper systemic reforms to change the things that matter most to Australians.