As Australia pursues wellbeing in economic decision-making, the 2023 John Menadue Oration provided an audience with Sophie Howe, the inaugural Future Generations Commissioner of Wales.
Understanding Adaptive Capacity is a discussion paper from the Centre for Policy Development’s sustainable economy program. It follows previous reports on climate transition risks and challenges for local economies, and forms part of a...
The Measuring What Matters submission from the Centre for Policy Development recommends government should start by identifying broad wellbeing goals
CPD’s employment white paper submission identifies three major opportunities to advance full employment in Australia
CPD, in partnership with Climateworks Centre, Pollination, ACTU, and AI Group, hosted the second roundtable for the 2035 Climate Initiative series on Tuesday 4 April. The focus of the roundtable was on how financial...
Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration Inquiry into Australia's Migration System The Centre for Policy Development’s submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration’s inquiry into Australia’s migration system makes recommendations to...
The second meeting of the Australia-Indonesia Energy Transition Policy Dialogue was held in Jakarta and online on 9 March 2023.
Government authorities and large privately-held businesses should ultimately disclose climate risks alongside publicly traded companies to support a swift, just and orderly transition to net zero
Statement from the Secretariat of the Asia Dialogue for Forced Migration The Secretariat of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM) welcomes the leadership and cooperation shown by the Bali Process Co-Chairs in their...
The seventh meeting of the Early Childhood Development Council was held in Canberra at Parliament House on Tuesday 29 November 2022. The council brings together senior policymakers from every Australian jurisdiction, policy researchers, industry...