
Travers McLeod’s response to George Megalogenis’ Quarterly Essay, Exit Strategy: Politics After the Pandemic

Published in The Quarterly Essay 83, September 2021 Reading Exit Strategy as most of Australia went back into lockdown with one of the world’s worst vaccination rates made me wonder whether the title was an...

Andrew Hudson & Dewi Fortuna Anwar: Time to strengthen Australia-Indonesia partnership

Published in The Jakarta Post on September 8 2021 On Thursday, the Foreign and Defence Ministers from Indonesia and Australia are due to meet in Jakarta for vital talks. The stakes are high. No Australian minister has visited...

Leslie Loble, Travers McLeod & Jen Jackson: America has a big-picture vision for its children, so why don’t we?

Published in The Age on September 1, 2021 Amid fears about the long-term impact of COVID on kids, it’s worth reflecting on the bigger picture for children in Australia – the story we have much greater...

Australia should take 20,000 Afghan Refugees

Thursday 19 August 2021 CPD is calling on the the Australian government to accept 20,000 Afghan refugees in addition to its normal humanitarian resettlement intake. Australia cannot escape its responsibilities to Afghanistan and the...

CPD appears at the Senate inquiry into the current capability of the Australian Public Service

On Friday 6 August 2021, CPD’s CEO Travers McLeod, CPD Chairperson Terry Moran AC and Senior Policy Advisor Frances Kitt appeared at the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee’s inquiry into the current capability...

CPD appears at the inquiry into the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries

On Wednesday 28 July 2021, CPD’s CEO Travers McLeod and Sustainable Economy Program Director Toby Phillips appeared at the inquiry into the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries. Travers and Toby drew...

New Materials: Early Childhood Initiative Evidence Pack 1

CPD’s Early Childhood Development (ECD) Initiative is pleased to release its first evidence pack: ‘Building the Case for Reform’. The evidence pack has been adapted from materials prepared by the CPD team for the...

Climate and Recovery Initiative Roundtable Eight Image of wind turbines

Fourth and fifth Climate & Recovery Initiative stakeholder roundtables

Over the first half of 2021, CPD and our partners have been continuing to convene the Climate & Recovery Initiative (CRI), bringing together senior leaders from across Australia to address the intertwined challenges of...

ASEAN leadership needed to address forced migration amid Myanmar crisis, COVID-19: ADFM

Published in The Jakarta Post on 11 June 2021. A recently convened track-two diplomatic forum is calling on ASEAN leaders to tackle the issue of forced migration, just as civil unrest and the COVID-19...


Key documents for the tenth ADFM meeting: Full agenda and participant list Participant profiles Discussion Paper Co-Convenors’ Statement Related media  On 6 May 2021 the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM) convened virtually...