
Building a national strategy for climate, health and wellbeing

In June the Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) published a new discussion paper Towards a National Strategy on Climate, Health, and Well-being for Australia. CPD fellow Fiona Armstrong is the founder and Executive Director of CAHA and a...

Voters were doubly disillusioned – Travers McLeod and Mark Triffitt

On Saturday, Australia’s political system crossed a line. From the normal messiness of democracy into fragmented incoherence. From voter unrest to potential revolt. The implications are clear: instability is no longer a one-off in...

CPD fellow Ian Dunlop joins call to declare a climate emergency

Former Shell executive and Australian Coal Industry Chair Ian Dunlop has joined a number of other prominent Australians to call on the Government to recognise the seriousness of the climate change threat by declaring...

CPD in Inside Story: fixing education and financing government in uncertain times

In recent weeks, Inside Story has featured long-form analysis from CPD on two policy issues that are crucial to the election campaign and for the long-term: the future of Australia’s education system, and the...

Uneven playing field: the state of Australia’s schools | REPORT | June 2016

Education is at once the great social mobiliser and the great leveller in our society. Educated citizens are safeguards in our democracy, and an educated workforce is vital to a productive, innovative and entrepreneurial...

CPD Fellow Chris Bonnor on disadvantage in our school system

On Tuesday 29 March, CPD fellow Chris Bonnor and his research partner and co-author Bernie Shepherd released School Daze: What My School really says about our schools. Using data available through the My School website, School Daze is...

CPD Fellow Ryan Goss talks to ABC News 24 about the same-sex marriage plebiscite

This week, ANU constitutional law expert and CPD fellow Ryan Goss spoke to ABC News 24 about the history of plebiscites in Australia, and the options available to the Government for its proposed vote on...

We must not give up on Syrian peace talks

This piece was originally published by the ABC on 7 February 2016. It’s easy to be sceptical of political negotiations about Syria, especially when talks have already been suspended. But with patience and a herculean...

Battle of ideas is on as election-year innovation debate starts to make up for lost time

We’re now in a race to the top on innovation. Better late than never. Liberating ideas could reboot Australia’s economy, as we argued a year ago. Now it seems there are more ideas...

Implications of a changing climate: latest insights from CPD staff and fellows

COP21 convenes at a critical point in climate science and policy. By Christmas, the world passes the 1C temperature increase –  half way towards the scientifically-accepted threshold of 2C by the end of the...