Democratic Renewal

Government Advertising: public interest or party interest?

Suddenly, everyone seems interested in controlling federal government advertising. Kathy MacDermott looks at where the major parties sit in relation to this and the opportunities for reform the current situation provides. Reform to government...

CPD thinkers contribute to a blueprint for renewing Australian democracy

The election result demonstrates Australians do not like the way their political system is working and provides an opportunity to put forward a blueprint to change it. CPD thinkers – Miriam Lyons, Ian McAuley...

Election promises on boats will not pass parliament

In the lead up to the election, we saw both major parties making policy pledges to stop asylum boats. Kate Guathier looks at the numbers in a hung parliament and considers whether either major...

Dear Julia & Tony: some ideas on governance

Bob Katter, Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor have a huge task ahead of them over the next few days – a burden made heavier by the poor level of secretarial support successive government have...

What next for the two party system?

The assumptions which underpin the two party system do not reflect contemporary political reality. What particular challenges does this create for policy makers, asks Ian Marsh. This is the second and final in a...

It’s the system, stupid: why Australia’s two party system has passed its use by date

In the wake of a spectacularly lacklustre campaign season – and with the ultimate result still unclear — Ian Marsh looks at what’s ailing the two party system. In the first of two articles...

Politics, Policies and Cultural Diversity

There hasn’t been a lot of talk about cultural diversity this election . Guest poster Andrew Jakubowicz reflects on everyday multiculturalism and what the future might be like if there was a policy debate...

Persecuting The Poor?

There are clearly more jobseekers than jobs, writes Eva Cox. So why are Australian politicians so set on punishing the victims of social inequality?

A Truly Independent Media Sector

Guest poster David Melzer of the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia explains why now is a good time for the major political parties to support community broadcasting

We Are A Much Better Country Than This

Where are our community leaders — and not just our political leaders — when asylum seekers and refugees, the most vulnerable people on earth, are subject to such misinformation, prejudice, vilification and exploitation in...