Employment Services

Submission to the Inquiry into Workforce Australia Employment Services

Submission to the Inquiry into Workforce Australia Employment Services The Centre for Policy Development, together with The Brotherhood of St Laurence and the University of Melbourne, made a submission to the Inquiry into Workforce...

Mandatory Disclosure - Treasury

White paper on employment: Submission to Treasury

CPD’s employment white paper submission identifies three major opportunities to advance full employment in Australia

New CPD Blueprint for Regional and Community Job Deals

The Centre for Policy Development is making available a range of policy proposals and materials relating to the delivery of employment services in Australia.  These materials are representative of CPD’s mission to boost economic...

Annabel Brown and Caitlin McCaffrie: A chance to do better for migrants, and for the economy

Published in Inside Story on 25 May 2020 Covid-19 has exposed the flaws in Australia’s treatment of temporary migrants. Fortunately, a blueprint for change already exists. The tragic death of an international student in Sydney...

Travers McLeod’s response to Rebecca Huntley’s Quarterly Essay, Australia Fair: Listening to the Nation

In reply to Rebecca Huntley’s Quarterly Essay, Australia Fair: Listening to the Nation TRAVERS MCLEOD At the heart of Rebecca Huntley’s Australia Fair is the idea that we are a nation of democrats. Our affinity with democracy...

Council on Economic Participation for Refugees

On 22 February 2018, CPD convened the first meeting of the Council on Economic Participation for Refugees (the Council), hosted by the Boston Consulting Group in Melbourne. The Council is the first pillar of...