
CPD Fellows contribute to Guardian special investigation on private health insurance

Three CPD Fellows feature prominently in Melissa Davey’s ‘Sick System, a special investigation series on private health insurance for The Guardian. CPD Fellows Ian McAuley, Jennifer Doggett and Founding Chair and Fellow John Menadue...

Fellow Ian McAuley comments on prosthetics price reforms

Responding to Health Minister Susan Ley’s recent announcement on cost-cutting reforms to medical devices and prostheses, CPD Fellow Ian McAuley is cautious in assessing the utility and benefit of the policy. Currently the cost...

Fellow Fiona Armstrong hosts health and climate round-table at Parliament House

Next Monday CPD Fellow Fiona Armstrong, who was recently recognised as one of Australia’s 100 most influential women, is facilitating a health sector leadership event and round-table discussion on climate change in Canberra. This historic meeting brings...

Congratulations to Fellow Fiona Armstrong

CPD wholeheartedly congratulates Fellow Fiona Armstrong, who was named as one of the ‘100 Women of Influence 2016’ by the Financial Review and Westpac. Fiona was deservedly recognised on the list of prominent Australian women...

Ian McAuley: Private health insurance and public policy

Today CPD Fellow Ian McAuley delivered a presentation to the 2016 Health Insurance Summit on the subject of private health insurance and its impact on broader public health and policy outcomes in Australia. In...

Menadue and Keating’s new book Fairness, Opportunity and Security: Filling the Policy Vacuum

CPD founder and fellow John Menadue and former Deputy Secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet Michael Keating launched their new book Fairness, Opportunity and Security: Filling the Policy Vacuum. This book...

Jennifer Doggett, Ian McAuley and John Menadue: No wonder we’re wasting money in health care – we got the incentives wrong

A recently-aired ABC Four Corners program aptly titled “Wasted” exposed three areas of unnecessary, ineffective and outright dangerous health interventions, in knee, spinal and heart surgery. The show’s host, Norman Swan, presumably extrapolating from...


The Age & The Sydney Morning Herald | January 2014

Possible side effects of GP co-payments… Terry Barnes, former health adviser to Tony Abbott has raised the idea of a small co-payment for GP visits. The fee would attempt to combat rising healthcare costs...

recurrent health expenditure chart

D!ssent | Number 42, Spring 2013

‘A new approach to health funding’  by CPD fellows and Pushing our luck authors Jennifer Doggett and Ian McAuley… In this article, Jennifer and Ian find health care funding to be one of few...

Ian McAuley

Inside Story | 12 July 2013

Do we need private health insurance? The most efficient and fairest option is a single national insurer. Ian McAuley, CPDfellow and Adjunct Lecturer in public sector finance at the University of Canberra, discusses the relevance...