
PromiseWatch 2013 banner

PromiseWatch 2013: Mental health services

10. Mental health services policy… Published in partnership with Crikey, the PromiseWatch 2013 series captures snapshots of the major parties’ platforms in key policy areas. Before the 2010 election, the Gillard government authorised the Mental Health...

Jennifer Doggett & Ian McAuley | Mending patchwork reform for dental health

CPD Fellows argue for more inclusive, comprehensive dental reform to cover the most vulnerable  While the government’s $4bn dental health reform package has the potential to reduce waiting lists and encourage early intervention, it...

Melissa Sweet | Gonski review has a lot to teach the health system: Consumers Health Forum

Melissa Sweet considers the recommendations of the Gonski Report in terms of current approached to, and funding of, healthcare. She sites a statement made by Carol Bennett, CEO of the Consumers Health Forum, who...

Ian McAuley | Means testing passes but do we even need health insurance?

Ian McAuley discusses the real value of private health insurance and the possibility of a fairer health care system. Read the full article published by The Conversation here “When the government finally succeeded in its third attempt...

Sebastian Rosenberg | Stop Tinkering, Start Reforming

The government has once again failed to provide real reform in the health care debate, with those suffering a mental illness continually being disadvantaged. Sebastian Rosenberg, a senior lecturer at the Brain and Mind...

Ben Eltham | Baby Steps on Health Reform

Subjecting the private health insurance rebate to a means test is a good start to more equitable – and cheaper – health policy but there’s a way to go yet, writes Ben Eltham. Subsidising...

Ian McAuley and John Menadue | Are Private Health Subsidies Worth It?

Is there some special reason the private health insurance industry is worthy of such robust government support? Ian McAuley and John Menadue on why it doesn’t add up. When an industry has become dependent...

Michael Janda | Experts size up effects of health rebate changes

As both sides of politics put forward their policy suggestions regarding the private health insurance rebate, little is actually being put on the table to provide Australians with an equitable health system. The Government...

Michael Mullins | Means Test Won’t Fix Health Funding

There is little doubt that by introducing means testing for the private health insurance rebate, it will result in a small step toward social inclusion in the health care debate. However, this small step...

Mike Steketee | Health Rebate A Very Unfair Plan

The heavy subsidies dished out to private health insurance has increased the equity gap between those who can afford it, and those who can’t. The Howard Government’s goal of an increase in numbers in...