Effective Government

Terry Moran: Consultants being public servants – The Select Committee

Published in The Mandarin on 04 August 2020 Malcolm Turnbull has bemoaned it. Our own Bernard Keane has criticised it. The Thodey Review has raised concerns about it. The ‘cult of the consultant’ has...

Travers McLeod: Democracy can never be sublet

Published in The Australian on 13 July 2020 Victoria’s decision to give private security contractors responsibility for quarantine hotels is the subject of a judicial inquiry, which will reveal the true cost of this...

Terry Moran: Reimagining Government

CPD Chair Terry Moran appeared as one of the panellists on a webinar series jointly hosted by the Centre for Public Impact (CPI) and the Australian and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG). You...

Annabel Brown and Caitlin McCaffrie: A chance to do better for migrants, and for the economy

Published in Inside Story on 25 May 2020 Covid-19 has exposed the flaws in Australia’s treatment of temporary migrants. Fortunately, a blueprint for change already exists. The tragic death of an international student in Sydney...

Travers McLeod: Here are 10 steps to build a stronger Australia after Coronavirus

Published in The Guardian on 05 May 2020 The steps Australia takes after Covid-19 can’t take us back to the way we were. The prime minister’s message after briefings from treasury and the Reserve...

Sam Mostyn and Travers McLeod: Coronavirus is a human crisis beyond most of our scariest dreams – we will need to restart our society

Published in The Guardian on 4 April 2020 Whether we like it or not, our economy – and indeed our society – is going to be remade over the coming months. But we do have a...

Terry Moran and Travers McLeod opinion piece on the Thodey Review – Canberra Times

Waiting for the release of David Thodey’s review of the Australian Public Service was a bit like Waiting for Godot. No one seemed to know when it would arrive, even though it was commissioned...

Terry Moran AC delivers John Cain Lecture on ‘Federalism — Commonwealth, State and Local Government Working Together’

Federalism, subsidiarity, respect for local government and public enthusiasm for helping places around Australia to thrive economically and socially is the key to repairing the democratic vessel from which trust has leaked. Full speech...

The Australian criminal justice system and deep disadvantage I ANU-CPD Policy Dialogue I November 2019

On 15 November, we hosted our fourth ANU-CPD Policy Dialogue for 2019. Our focus was the Australian criminal justice system and deep disadvantage. The roundtable discussion featured opening remarks from Professor Lorana Bartels (Program...

Travers McLeod’s response to Rebecca Huntley’s Quarterly Essay, Australia Fair: Listening to the Nation

In reply to Rebecca Huntley’s Quarterly Essay, Australia Fair: Listening to the Nation TRAVERS MCLEOD At the heart of Rebecca Huntley’s Australia Fair is the idea that we are a nation of democrats. Our affinity with democracy...