A more equitable school system

Losing the Game: State of our schools in 2017 | REPORT | June 2017

Six years after the recommendations from the original Gonski Review into education were published, Australia is once again on the cusp of major education reform. In early May, the Turnbull Government surprised everyone by proposing...

The vanishing private school – Chris Bonnor and Bernie Shepherd

CPD fellows Chris Bonnor and Bernie Shepherd have released a new analysis of public funding for private schools, calling for a new debate about whether this funding should come with the same obligations that govern the...

Fellows Chris Bonnor and Bernie Shepard continue to impact the education funding debate

Since the release of Uneven Playing Field: The State of Australia’s Schools, CPD has had a measurable impact on the public debate regarding the future of education policy. Our Fellows Chris Bonnor and Bernie...

Fellows Chris Bonnor and Bernie Shepard demonstrate the inconsistencies in school funding in new essay

Following the release of their number crunching report on the unfairness and inequalities of our current school funding system, CPD Fellows Chris Bonnor and Bernie Shepard implore education ministers to review the evidence for...

Fellow Chris Bonnor comments on more new findings on unfairness in education funding

CPD Fellow Chris Bonnor comments on Fairfax’s recent findings that state schools are scrambling for funding and are increasingly divided by socio-economic status. The contrast between the fees and payments by parents to wealthy...

Fellows Chris Bonnor and Bernie Shepherd discuss NAPLAN results and education reform

The NAPLAN test results have been released and the annual contest over interpreting the performance of our school kids has begun. The results demonstrate a national performance plateauing in reading, writing and numeracy and...

Levelling the education playing field – media coverage of our latest report

CPD’s latest report Uneven playing field: the state of Australia’s schools and its call for a revitalisation of the Gonski agenda for needs-based school funding attracted widespread attention and coverage. You can read and hear more...

CPD in Inside Story: fixing education and financing government in uncertain times

In recent weeks, Inside Story has featured long-form analysis from CPD on two policy issues that are crucial to the election campaign and for the long-term: the future of Australia’s education system, and the...

Uneven playing field: the state of Australia’s schools | REPORT | June 2016

Education is at once the great social mobiliser and the great leveller in our society. Educated citizens are safeguards in our democracy, and an educated workforce is vital to a productive, innovative and entrepreneurial...

CPD Fellow Chris Bonnor on disadvantage in our school system

On Tuesday 29 March, CPD fellow Chris Bonnor and his research partner and co-author Bernie Shepherd released School Daze: What My School really says about our schools. Using data available through the My School website, School Daze is...