CPD Fellow Peter Whiteford outlines the intricacies and analyses the calculations behind the Coalition’s tentative entry into the new ‘investment approach’ to funding welfare. Writing for The Conversation, Peter unpacks the “$4.8 trillion dollar...
CPD Chairperson Terry Moran was a guest of the University of Melbourne Vice-Chancellor Glyn Davis on his podcast The Policy Shop. At the centre of the half hour discussion was the difficult question; “Has...
CPD has released a new report called Grand alibis: how declining public sector capability affects services for the disadvantaged. In the report, authors Kelly Farrow, Robert Sturrock and Sam Hurley argue that government’s role in...
John Menadue considers the ability of the Department of Health to develop good health policy and manage health reform. I have frequently raised my concerns about the ability of the Department of Health to...
CPD fellows Ian McAuley and Miriam Lyons explore the beneficial place of the public sector in their latest work Governomics. The book, which dissects the conventional and prevalent discourse of ‘small government’ in Australia, shows that an emaciated...
CPD fellow Ian McAuley (pictured) reviews Anthony Atkinson’s recent work Inequality: What Can Be Done? If, last year, you waded through the 700 pages of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-first Century you might reasonably...
Front page of The Canberra Times! Public cuts can ‘create waste’ Doing less with less receives strong coverage CPD’s new report by research director Christopher Stone, Doing less with less, second instalment to False economies, has been covered...
Public service research director addresses employment issues National Conference 2013 Secure Jobs in a Green Future AUSTRALIAN LEFT RENEWAL CONFERENCE WEEKEND APRIL 6-7, 2013, UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SYDNEY BUILDING A STRONGER LEFT | UNITING...
Christopher Stone interviewed about Decoding efficiency Joel Rosenzweig interviewed Chris Stone, to further demystify the jargon and hype surrounding so-called efficiency reforms. Sometimes, when not done with due care and consideration for results as...
Public works need public sector skills – CPD Fellow interviewed by Jill Emberson Tim Roxburgh dispels the myths surrounding the purported failures of the Government’s ‘Building the Education Revolution’, designed to stimulate the economy while...