Australia’s Public Sector

Public Service (and CPD) in Australian Parliament 12 September

Dr LEIGH (Fraser) (21:12): I rise to speak in praise of public sector workers in the ACT and throughout Australia. It was my pleasure recently to attend a roundtable discussion hosted by Slater and...

James Whelan | The Drum

We often hear about ‘trimming the fat’ in the public service but is there enough thought behind this popular phrase? CPD public service program research director Dr. James Whelan joined panellists Tim Wilson, Andrew...

Frank Cassidy | The Public Service – 702 ABC Sydney

Why is there a culture of “bashing” the public service in Australia? Frank Cassidy, Director of Public Service News, was on ABC radio yesterday discussing our some of our findings in, The State of...

Mark Bahnisch | The Public Service and Public Values

With CPD’s The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report revealing a widening gap between the anti-public servant rhetoric and the positive attitudes held by Australian citizens, there are growing inconsistencies within...

Peter Martin | Public Service Same Size As 20 Years Ago

It is a lot easier for politicians to talk about slashing the budget than actually finding where to make savings and what to cut. The public service is a favourite victim of the ever...

Peter Jean | Warning on Simplifying the Public Service

Australia seems to be confused about how it feels about it’s public service. By and large we are well-disposed to public servants who deliver immediate benefits, like health-care, but are underwhelmed about the performance...

AAP | Study Finds Cuts to Federal Public Service Will Put Community Services A Risk

The shadow cabinet met in Canberra yesterday to consider potential areas of public spending to slash. Given the level of rhetoric coming from the opposition about Australia’s ‘bloated’ public service, public sector spending and...

Verona Burgess | Attack on Job Cut Plan

Verona Burgess, in today’s Australian Financial Review reports on CPD’s recent research from our Public Service program that: “…the Coalition’s planned cut of 12,000 jobs in its first year in office is based on...

Fairfax & Nine MSN | Study Rejects Federal Public Service Bloat

With the Coalition’s need to find $70 billion in cuts and Tony Abbot’s pledge to axe 12,000 Australian Public Service jobs, CPD’s report The State of the Public Service: An Alternative Report, finds that...

CPSU | Public servants: invisible heroes or easy targets?

With CPD’s The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report revealing that it would take an extra 50,000 public servants to reach the number of APS staff per capita that we had...